MDA Stations

Lifesaving stations covering all of Israel.

AFMDA Israel Stations map
AFMDA Israel Stations map

From Tel Aviv and Haifa on the Mediterranean to Bik’at HaYarden and Megilot in the Jordan Valley…and from Metula and the Golan in the north to Eilat in the south.

Magen David Adom is there for the people of Israel when medical emergencies arise — no matter where in Israel they live. MDA’s more than 200 emergency medical stations are the backbone of the organization’s lifesaving work, serving as bases for paramedics and ambulances so they can efficiently serve local communities.

Make a lasting impact to Israelis. Help upgrade and maintain a station.

Because an emergency vehicle is deployed every 24 seconds, our stations are in constant need of maintenance and upgrading.

By sponsoring improvements to these medical stations, you can make a lasting impact that benefits the people of Israel. For more information, contact your regional AFMDA office.


How can you
make an impact
in Israel?

There are many ways for you to save lives in Israel. To learn more, contact a director in your area